Which Pokegal will you Tickle? V1

A quiz about what Pokegirl you will tickle out of: Misty, May, Dawn and Iris in this particular quiz, if you don't enjoy this type of content, you do not have to.

There will be several questions that are scenario based to determine the answer so if you also don't enjoy it you also do not have to at all, just choice the neutral option.

Created by: Will
  1. Do you like tickling? (No effect)
  2. Which is your favourite region?
  3. What is the best spot to tickle
  4. Are you ticklish? (No effect)
  5. Scenario 1: Misty bare feet are on your lap, What do you do?
  6. Scenario 2: May hangs on a bar with her armpits exposed, What do you do?
  7. Scenario 3: Dawn wears a new crop top and is lying on her stomach, What do you do?
  8. Scenario 4: After enough time of her annoying you you see an opportunity to tickle her stomach, What do you do?
  9. Final Scenario: All four girls are in a tickle Machine, What do you do?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which Pokegal will I Tickle? V1

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