What overrated Deltarune/Undertale character are you?

This quiz will show you what overrated Undertale or Deltarune Character you are, I'm not trying to be mean when I say they're overrated so plz don't hate me.

Just answer the ten questions and you'll get who you are most related to and what your personality is probably like. anyway, have fun with who you get and tell your friends and family!

Created by: Naomi of What Deltarune/Undertale Character you?
(your link here more info)
  1. What's your opinion on people?
  2. What would you do if you found out someone hurt your family member?
  3. Who's your favorite Undertale/Deltarune character out of these?
  4. What can you not do?
  5. Now what can you do?
  6. Good or evil or none (or both)
  7. what's your opinion on chaos?
  8. what's your opinion on Joe?
  9. Joe mama
  10. alright last question, are you gay?

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Quiz topic: What overrated Deltarune/Undertale character am I?
