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I have a friend named Mira. Mira has a tower named the math tower 1. When I visited, I forgot my math book there. Please help me get my book back by completing Mira's tower floor's.

What's in it for you? Mira will give you a title of praise. But you need to come one of the top three rankings if you want the book and the title. Good luck!

Created by: LUNA
  1. Ok. before we start I want to tell you that i change my front image soo. WHAT IS 2 + 3 - 1 ÷ 2 = ?
  2. Wow. Your still alive. But they will not get any easier. WHAT IS 6-7 +9 ÷ 2 =
  3. Hmm. I am surprised you did not quit yet. Btw, NO CALCULATORS . WHAT IS 9 ×11 - 67 + 1
  4. I am impressed. But soon I will be disappointed. If you leave you have to start over. WHAT IS 12 - 4 + 5 + 1 ÷ 7 × 3
  5. Since you are doing good... I will give you an easy one. But just this once. WHAT IS 25 +1 ÷ 13 (HINT: 26 ÷ 13)
  6. HARDCORE MODE!!! WHAT IS 13 + 67 - 8 × 11
  7. You will not beat this if you are 3rd grade or under. WHAT IS THE THE MISTAKE 123456789
  8. Ok. Maybe that was easy but these last 3 will be EXTREME. WHICH IS CORRECT $1 + $2 = 3$ OR $1 + $2 = $3
  9. Well... Your almost there. But I state my words be careful. WHICH IS not POSSIBLE 3-12 OR 3-13
  10. HOW!??!! GRRRRR. I WILL MAKE THIS THE HARDEST I CAN. what is the answer: m is 49 more than 238. m=?

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