The easiest math test

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This quiz is just to check if your brain is okay. The questions are on a first grade level and I expect you to have everything correct with no effort. Take it for fun, because that how it is made.

You have 20 math questions corresponding to a 1st and 2nd grade level. Quiz is made more as a joke, but wouldn't hurt to try. If you aren't scared that you will fail, prove it and go try!

Created by: Nate
  1. 2+2
  2. 40*10
  3. 32-64
  4. 12/4
  5. 109+65
  6. 6*8
  7. 186-75
  8. 162/9
  9. 23+45
  10. 3*20
  11. 7-6
  12. 65/5
  13. 45+87
  14. 11*11
  15. 512-231
  16. 24/3
  17. 5+43
  18. 1*98
  19. 90-67
  20. 21/3

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