5th Grade Math (hard)

The Fifth Grade Quiz is a difficult quiz that uses brain power. This quiz is only about math. This quiz uses brain power in various ways like division and multiplication.

Can you challenge the quiz and check your skills? How many questions will you pass in this extreme quiz? See what skills you have here at The Fifth Grade Math Quiz!

Created by: idklol
  1. The mean of 6, 3, 4, 7 is?
  2. The mode of 9, 3, 8, 5, 9 is?
  3. The median of 2, 9, 3, 4 is?
  4. 473/4
  5. x = (4-3 + 5) x (8-4/2).x = ?
  6. 5b: y = (4x3-9) - (11+2x2-25)
  7. x - y x 10.25 = ?
  8. You have 57 gold. The shop: 5 gold = axe. 10 gold = cookies. 15 gold = candy. 20 gold = box. 25 gold = house. 50 gold = scythe. What is the maximum you can spend without getting less than 0 in return?
  9. 2x2x2x2x2 + 1x1x1x1x1 = ?
  10. 5 = 1. 7 = 1. 9 = 1. 100 = 1. What is 2,832,384,823,849,238,492,384,923,084,230,948,320,948,230,949,230,848,238,432,890,482,348,902,384,234,083,240,983?

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