Countries customs

This is a quiz that tests your cultural knowledge. Please answer truthfully without using the internet. Answering the questions alone allows for correct feedback.

I prepared 10 questions so be ready for some fun. There are some that are difficult and some that should be easy so make sure to take your time when answering the questions. Good luck!

Created by: PA
  1. What hand is considered dirty in some countries?
  2. People in eastern countries avoid eye contact with their boss because it is a sign of disrespect or equal social standing
  3. In what country are cows considered holy beings?
  4. Which ethnic group practices the siesta?
  5. In what country is the number 6 considered lucky?
  6. In what country is the ganges river considered holy?
  7. Which of the following animals is considered not kosher?
  8. Why do Asian people work so hard?
  9. How do people in Tibet greet each other?
  10. In what country is noding your head considered a no?

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