How good are you at tests?

There are many people who are good at tests, but only a few are really good. Some people can also be bad at tests and they probably don't like tests and need to seek tutors.

So, do YOU think you are good at tests? Well it's easy to find out! Just take this quiz and it will tell you how good you are and will give you advice and feedback for what you should do in the future.

Created by: Mark
  1. Do you like school?
  2. How many nights do you study for a test?
  3. What is the range you get on tests?
  4. If there was a test tomorrow and you only just found out today, what would you do?
  5. Which of these scores is the lowest you would be happy with?
  6. Which of these three is important: Quizzes, Tests or Exams
  7. When do you mostly finish tests?
  8. Do you double check your answers on a test?
  9. If you got an 80 on a final exam, how would you feel?
  10. Would you like it if your school never did quizzes, tests or exams and only did assessments?
  11. A score of 90 is:
  12. Are you the top of the class at tests?
  13. What do you do better in - tests or assignments?
  14. 48/50 is equal to
  15. Have you ever gotten 100 on a test this semester?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at tests?