whats your secret identity

This is a quiz to see what your secret identity is! Many people do the typical tests like "what clique are you from" or "what stereotype are you" but THIS test is to find out what you TRULY are. Please enjoy =]

NOTE! No, I will NOT tell you the possible results; you simply have to answer the questions as honestly/best you can and see what you are. I have made other similar tests with different possible results, so please be sure to look for them. ^_^

Created by: lorlor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you rather be?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. When you're bored you like to...
  4. One day you're going for a walk and someone trips you.
  5. You continue on your walk and you come across a homeless person asking for money. You..
  6. After showing some hospitality to the poor homeless person, you keep going on your walk. Next you come across...
  7. You finally each your friends house, which was your destination.
  8. You go inside your friends house and your friend seems very upset about something.. Seems serious
  9. They tell you some very saddening news. They're dog just died.
  10. After finding out this horrible news, you decide to take your friend out for a treat; to get them distracted from what just happened. Where do you take them?
  11. After cheering your friend up, you guys decide to go see a movie. What do you see?
  12. The movie was okay, but now you're hungry and need to eat dinner. You...
  13. Anyway, it's getting late and you should go home. Where do you live?
  14. So there are only gonna be a few questions left. What did you think of this quiz? (does no effect your score)

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Quiz topic: Whats my secret identity