Could we be friends? :)

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Basically i was really bored and wanted to make a quick fun quiz:) dont take anything to personally! it's only what i think would happen if we met each other.

Heres a bit about me, and you can decide in the end if we could be friends.Im a 13 year old girl, I like playing games on computer. I also like to read and write. I like watching youtube, twitch and movies. But i find it kinda hard, cuz i have some issues with concentrating on the things happening on screen. I can be very hyper but also be very tired and down to earth :)

Created by: Clara Amalie
  1. Gender (doesn't affect the score)
  2. Age (does affect the score, but not much)
  3. Favorite colour?
  4. Favorite game
  5. Do you like reading?
  6. Are you in any fandom? (couldn't think of many)
  7. What style are you?
  8. Nationality (doesn't affect score)
  9. Are you a simp?
  10. You're music taste (this is a very serious topic hehe)
  11. Favorite movie genre
  12. Did you like this quiz?

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