Which Courage character are you most likely to be.

The reason why I wanted to make a quiz like this is because I was first of all bored and I wanted to make a quiz that like wasn't made even I'm sure somewhere out there someone made one but I wanted to do one based off of what I think.

I also wanted to do something besides just watching something all day and this only took me like and hour and a half or something like that, and I hope this inspires you to do something besides watching something all day.

Created by: Leonardo
  1. What would you do if someone that you care about is in danger?
  2. Would you pick up the person you care about if they were in danger?
  3. What fear do you have?
  4. What do you do that you shouldn't?
  5. Are you EVIL??
  6. What kind of friend are you in the group? *If you have a friend group*
  7. Do you ever wish you were in your favorite show?
  8. *Very personal*Do you ever want to kill yourself?
  9. Are you sweet?
  10. What would you most likely do in an attack?

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Quiz topic: Which Courage character am I most likely to be.
