CAT fortunte teller

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HAVE FUN! i worked hard and tried my best this is mainly for my friend and we still keep in touch even though corintine is happing we still text thorugh chat and stuff!

So i hope most people like cats and stuff cuz i loove them sooper cute so i decided to do a cat fortune teller its short i hope its ok but i hade a lotta fun making these!

Created by: warriorcatslover
  1. A 3 foxes brakes into your camp! they are at the throats of your mate and your kits. who do you save?
  2. YOU have to kill a cat who lives with you or you will have to kill your mate you choose...
  3. other cats attack your humble home! you...
  4. you get put in a kennel time to go to the vet when you get there you..?
  5. Hey!
  6. do you like cats?
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. HOW are ya!
  9. How old are you? in cat years?
  10. BYE

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