Are you a teller, or only able to tell the future?

Lot's of people always say "I can tell the future", but can they really. This quiz tells you if you can tell the future. It will also tell you if you are a teller. A teller is someone who just freezes all of a sudden without trying to, they then get a vision of the future. How cool is that? :)

Are YOU a teller, or can you at least tell the future? Why don't you find out? In just a few minutes on your computer you will know for sure. So come on and see. :)

Created by: Kate
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever freeze for no reason?
  2. Do things usually surprise you?
  3. Does an idea ever randomly just come to your head & something that has to do with it or it just happens later on?
  4. Do you ever have visions? (like when you freeze... But it doesn't have to be then)
  5. Do you ever feel like there's another language out there, like one that no knows about?
  6. Do you think you ever may have ever spoken the language from the previous question, but you don't even know how you did it?
  7. ok, do you THINK you can tell the future, and do you THINK you might be a teller?
  8. If you do end up being a teller or able to tell the future, do you think you could keep it a secret?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Do you like ? (Personally, I LOVE this website I use it all the time) :) :]

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Quiz topic: Am I a teller, or only able to tell the future?