Can you trust your boyfriend?

A quiz to see if you can really trust your boyfriend. This is to see if you really know them. Sometimes we think we know them but in reality we don't.

Take this quiz. You won't regret this. I know I have some weird questions that were asked but I am sure you'll thank me later when you get the results your asking for.

Created by: Jaden Thornton
  1. Does your boyfriend seem very distant when you guys start hanging more
  2. Does he not let u see his phone
  3. Do you think he is a sociopath or psychopath?
  4. Do your parents like him?
  5. Is he a secretive person?
  6. Is your boyfriend there for you whenever you feel a certain emotion
  7. He always changes the topic when I tell him the sitaution
  8. He is faithful to me, but I feel when he's not around me he can be unfaithful
  9. He gets defensive when I ask him questions
  10. He never opens up to me

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Quiz topic: Can I trust my boyfriend?
