Should I break up with him???

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Not sure whether or not to break up with your boyfriend?whatever reason it it, whether he’s disrespectful, creepy, or just plain annoying, you gotta figure out if you’re gonna dump him or not.

Let’s face it. Guys are stupid. When they pre dumb, they’re dumb. BreK up? Don’t break up? Well, this quiz will help you decide. God guys are the worst? What do we see in them, lol?

Created by: Grace.
  1. Does he see, have interest in, or sex/kiss other women?
  2. Does he like you for who you are as a person, not just what you look like?
  3. Do your parents like him?
  4. Is he like a friend to you? Can you talk to him and trust him?
  5. Has he ever asked you to send him nude pictures/or to film a p---o movie with you?
  6. Has he had a ton of girlfriends?
  7. Do you even share some interests?
  8. Ask him: if he had a choice between you or Megan Thee Stallion, who would he pick?
  9. Would he defend you if his friends said something bad about you, even if it meant he would lose them?
  10. Is he annoying?
  11. Is he cute?
  12. How long have you been together?

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