Can You Survive The Walking Dead?

Could you survive if the dead were walking eating the living and could only be killed if there was a blow to the head? This question probably has crossed your mind before.

Well if you're curious take this quiz to try and see if you could survive the walking dead. In this quiz you can expect questions that will test your instincts' ability and your ability to lead.

Created by: An Insane Person
  1. How many weapons do you own?
  2. Where do you Live?
  3. Any Diseases?
  4. Your surrounded by ten walkers and all you have a pistol four bullets and no blunt weapons
  5. Who would you take with you?
  6. Where would you locate you base?
  7. What would be your main food source
  8. How big would your group be?
  9. When the outbreak starts what will you do?
  10. A man is running towards you with 8 walkers following him, he is injured, and is wearing marine gear what do you do?
  11. Your family is being chased by walkers but your group with supplies is being shot from the woods. You see the attacker of your supplies but only have the bullets to kill the walkers or take out the attacker what do you do?
  12. You have set up a safe haven with about 75 people and links to other groups and a mysterious group of people show up at your gates and start shooting the ground and demanding supplies. You do not know where they came from or how many people they have hidden or back at their base. What is your move?
  13. The people from earlier return demanding more supplies they brought more weaponry and they have the ability to destroy you. You are in their mercies. What is your move?

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Quiz topic: Can I Survive The Walking Dead?

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