Do you really know THE WALKING DEAD

I made this quiz to see how much people actually know about the waking dead. Expect questions like when did someone die and who killed them or who was who's sister.

So are you a walking dead genius. You will find out just simply take the quiz and if you get more than 85% then you can from them on say you are a walking dead genius.

Created by: Simone
  1. Who kills Shane?
  2. What season does Lori die?
  3. Who feels responsible for dales death?
  4. Who was ricks wife?
  5. How long are they at the prison for?
  6. Who kills Beth?
  7. What episode does Beth die in?
  8. Who was maggies sister?
  9. Who is Beth's dad?
  10. Who kills hershel?
  11. What season is Judith born?
  12. Who had to kill the walker version of merle?
  13. Who ends up been Glenn's wife?
  14. Who's daughter was in the barn of walkers in season 2?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know THE WALKING DEAD