Which Waking the Dead Character Are You?

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Welcome to Which Waking the Dead Character Quiz, this came about because I fell in love with the show, and know others who love it too! This is my first time making a quiz!

I hope this quiz which came about because, of Waking the Dead——is fun! Since I have not made a quiz before, I tried to make questions based off of ones I have taken before.

Created by: Sarah R
  1. You are most likely to work better alone, but can work in a group if you need to.
  2. You like to work both alone and in a group with others.
  3. You tend to analyze different people and situations.
  4. You tend to sometimes overreact to situations.
  5. You like to read a lot of books.
  6. You sometimes doubt your intelligence.
  7. You like to search for the truth.
  8. You tend to overreact when you get angry.
  9. You would rather be alone in your own room.
  10. You're a little interested in anatomy.
  11. You think of yourself as well balanced.

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Quiz topic: Which Waking the Dead Character am I?
