Can You Handle Being Married

Many people get married, but few can handle the concepts of marriage. Although you can never know what your going to get, its good to have an idea of the things, situations and questions one might encounter.

Thinking about getting married? I hope you enjoy this quiz, it is made to give an idea of what you can go through in a marriage. Don't take anything to seriously, I gave it a humorous tone!

Created by: derek

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does the phrase "till death do you part", mean to you?
  2. Do you view being married as a job? If so what kind?
  3. Could you live with.. (MALES) A hot pink kitchen, and Mary Kay facials EVERY Saturday night? (FEMALES) Drunk fat men on your couch, watching football EVERY Sunday afternoon?
  4. Divorce
  5. Your buying furniture your answers would be...
  6. Religion
  7. You both get home at the same time from work, your both tired! Hunger is in the air.
  8. Pregnant
  9. Ex boy friend/ girlfriend calls, you...
  10. After work you...

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Quiz topic: can I Handle Being Married