Can we guess your name?

This quiz matters all about the truth, only that will achieve you the correct answer. Please don’t rate this quiz bad and feel free to give it a happy face.

The names I’ve put in the quiz: Isla, Isabel, Tessa, Christelle, Lily, Mia, Violet, May, Ella and Edie. Still try if your names not here please, you’ll still have fun.

Created by: Tess6
  1. What letter does your name begin with?
  2. What colour is your hair?
  3. What colour is your eyes?
  4. What’s the second letter in your name?
  5. Third letter for your name is?
  6. Are you sporty?
  7. The rest of the questions are just for fun- choose a number
  8. Choose a letter:
  9. Choose a sport:
  10. Choose a name:

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Quiz topic: Can we guess my name?
