Bryan College Friend Group

If you're reading this you are probably one of my friends at Bryan College. I don't have anything else to say, I'm just trying to hit the word count. so yeah

this paragraph is nonsense. g yvtdhvf gdvgjh drdssexrvfuiojhgfdfghjhrertyujhjkoiuytfghgftyuiuytghjhgfdrtyoiuytrewedfghnbvcfghjhgfdyujhgfhjkuytyjhgfghjuytrh

Created by: Blake Fillmore
  1. In your free time which activity would you prefer?
  2. Which attribute do you value most?
  3. Pick one characteristic of a future spouse
  4. Choose one reason you would rule the world
  5. Who would in a fight Master Oogway or Big Chungus
  6. Choose a hero
  7. Choose a color
  8. What type of video game do you prefer?
  9. Choose an app
  10. Are you a Male or Female?
  11. Choose an animal

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