What College Basketball Team are you?

Some people say they 100% know what college team they are like, but they usually have never answered these types of questions. Now you will know where you might have a future in the College Basketball World.

Are you most likely the college team you think you are? Thankfully, after you answer these fifteen questions you will know what college basketball team you are most like!

Created by: Matthew
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What style do you like?
  3. What type of coach do like?
  4. What team do like money wise?
  5. What type of mascot do you like.
  6. What type of history do you like?
  7. What award matters the most to you?
  8. What attribute would you rather have if you could only pick one.
  9. What would you rather have?
  10. Who would you have at head coach?
  11. What position would you like to dominate at?
  12. What type of positioning do you like?
  13. What conferences would you like to be in?
  14. Who would you rather broadcast your games?
  15. What commentators would you like commentating your games?

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Quiz topic: What College Basketball Team am I?