What college should you go to?

It's tough trying to pick out a college to attend. With so many great options in the United States, we're here to help out. It's time to let a dumb quiz online dictate the next for years of your life!

From the Northeast to the Southwest there are plenty of great colleges to choose from. And yes, the best college is the University of Oregon. Who wouldn't want to say they're a duck?

Created by: Adam
  1. Pick a state to go to college in:
  2. Choose a sport to pick up:
  3. Choose a major:
  4. Pick a vacation spot:
  5. Pick a mascot:
  6. Would you rather be in the continental or non-continental US?
  7. What type of weather is your favorite?
  8. Your average grade is a:
  9. Do you want to be by the beach?
  10. What do you think of the cold?

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Quiz topic: What college should I go to?
