Battle for you life part 1 (for boys)

Ok so here’s the thing I can’t comment because I forgot my dang password! I wish I remembered have you ever been in a situation like this it sucks!!!! Ok umm... next paragraph

Ok so your name is Sebastian you are a red head with greenish blueish eyes so basically this is based on paranormal love/a dream I had last night/real life hope you like it

Created by: Bluegirl
  1. You wake up in the morning so tired UGH! You groan
  2. You finally get outta bed and look at the time your late! “NO!” You scream you run outside thank god the bus is still there you go inside and sit next to a sexy girl she has black hair and eyes she says “hi I’m belle who are you?” You say “I’m Sebastian” “oh” she says in a flirty tone the rest of the bus ride you guys flirt with each other
  3. Then the bus stops “well we better go I hope I have classes with you cutie” belle says you walk out of the bus then you see Kwan your friend waiting for you he has brown hair and blue eyes “oh there you are Sebastian! Where have you been?”Kwan says you say “well...I was with this girl named belle...” “dude! she is hot! Go talk to here later and ask her to sit with you! Kwan says
  4. You and Kwan go to class and sit down then you see a hot girl kwan immediately sits down next to her he talks to her then comes back “dude I got a date!” kwan says
  5. “Really in two minutes?” You say “yes I’m awesome that way!” Kwan says “wow dude!” You say then you see belle walk over she sits down next to you “oh look at that the hottest boy ever is in my class!” Belle says smiling flirty “have you met my friend?” Belle said “who is your friend?” You say
  6. She points to kwan’s date “her can’t you believe it’s her first day and she has a date?” Belle says “wait my friend is her date!” You say “really?” Belle says “YEAH!” You say
  7. “Oh then maybe You should know her name” belle says
  8. “Her name is Maiah” Belle says “oh Rea- ahem! It was the teacher I think I might start the class with people going to study hall the teacher says “umm... no one talks to me or Sebastian like that!” Belle says “sorry belle...” says the teacher
  9. **TIME SKIP** it’s lunch and you look at where to sit you look at kwan but... he is in the courner of the cafeteria making out with Maiah and trying to ditch school...
  10. So you look to see where belle is you see her sitting with her friends you decide to sit with her “OMG! WHO IS THAT?! You hear a female voice say
  11. CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry there will be a new one tomorrow
  12. Will you rate?
  13. Will you comment?

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