Are you a good ice cream flavor?

Ok so this paragraph is about me and the second is about the quiz so let’s get started ok so just saying I can’t comment I forgot my password for some reason but I could make quizzes but you could comment just know that i will not answer and this is my first quiz So sorry if I’m bad

Ok so this is basically about the quiz this what I mean by are you a good ice cream flavor I mean like if you are good flavor or a bad one ok hope you enjoy the quiz

Created by: Bluegirl
  1. Are you mean to people?
  2. Pizza or ice cream
  3. If you see a kid bleeding what do you do?
  4. If a man is pointing a gun at your family what would you do?
  5. Do you think your a good flavor?
  6. Are you bored?
  7. If a man asks you for money what do you do?
  8. If someone is hurting you what do you do?
  9. Will you comment?
  10. Will you rate?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good ice cream flavor?
