Which Ice-cream flavor are you?

Have you ever wondered which Ice-cream flavor you are? Well if you have, this quiz is for you! Take it, share it with your friends, just have fun!!!!!

The possible results are: Strawberry, Chocolate, Cookies 'n cream, Vanilla and Mint chocolate chip, in only 11 questions! With images with each result. See you at the end!

Created by: Eleanora Reed
  1. Alright, first question. What sounds like the perfect day to you?
  2. You would describe yourself as:
  3. Here's an easy one, what's your favorite color?
  4. You are shopping with friends and see a woman trip and drop her bags, her groceries scatter everywhere. She is a complete stranger. What do you do?
  5. Tell me your relationship with your sibling or siblings (If you have any)
  6. What are you doing at a Fair?
  7. What is your favorite dessert?
  8. What book would you buy from a book store?
  9. What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
  10. And of course, what ice-cream flavor do you think you are?
  11. And finally, how do you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Ice-cream flavor am I?
