babysat from fnaf?!

This quiz is like a simulator quiz that will show what it will be like to be babysat by fnaf but you have to chose what you do every time something happens

I have made another quiz called should you be treated like a baby and at the end of the results it tells you what age generastion you should be treated like

Created by: Emma
  1. Your parents just did something crazy. They said that you were going to be babysat you understood at first cause your 12 but then tney put you in a diaper then in a crib then put a paci in your mouth what do you do
  2. your parents then got out a highchair and put baby food in the fridge
  3. Then you hear a knock at the door then you see the faz gang come in and then chica says oh your baby is growing fast we can give her a shot to make her smaller
  4. Your mom says great her name is {insert your name} and she is 1 and a half
  5. the faz gang realizes that they left the shots so they have to carry you like a baby but in your normal size
  6. they need to change your clothes but after you were so embarressed that you peed now they have to change your diaper
  7. You blush by the fact that they unstrap the diaper but you blush even more when they touch your bum
  8. after that foxy says "we can play pirates with her " but then chica said"HER that means she is a princess" how do you stop the arguement
  9. then Bonnie says "Hey guys its lunch time we should feed her" They put you in the high chair and is about to give you the banana flavor of baby food
  10. after you eat {even if you chose to not eat it they forced you} they put you in the crib for a nap
  11. you wake up after the nap and you feel your diaper being unstrapped you look to see what it is an then golden freddy is changing your diaper she says that you pooped in your diaper and she changed you
  12. you realize its 4:30 so you play eat but then at 6:30 you go back to play but then Freddy picks you up and says no no no its time for bed and carrys you like a baby and says and don't say this is a punishment that isn't fooling me
  13. In the morning you wake up and see that your parents are home but your still like a baby you ask whats going on and they say your being a baby for the rest of you life intill you die
  14. How did you like the quiz
  15. Do you want more cause i made a nother quiz
  16. Bye :3

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