Babysat by Batim

Hi you are a 13 year old kid with mean parents who are leaving and you have the most unexpected baby sitters ever this may be weird but still please don't criticize.

There is a extra character called winter who is Alices bff and do not complain please my au my rules k winters soul is an 11 year old winter is a mix of Alice boris and bendy so :D.

Created by: #batimforlife
  1. Your parents give you a shot and give you a paci. They let some people in you see its the batim crew you...
  2. Your stomach rumbles and winter and Alice notice they get some gross smelling squash baby food.
  3. They put you to bed and you don't wanna sleep.
  4. You wake to boris changing you.
  5. Its time for bed they say.
  6. Its time for them to go.
  7. Your parents are back.
  8. You wake up to batim being back and its 3:00 am.
  9. You wake up and they feed you the same food.
  10. Playtime
  11. They go

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