will you survive batim #3

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Do you wonder if you would survive chapter 3 of batim or bendy and the ink machine? Well here you can find out! this RP. will help you find out ;D good luck also theirs a extra character called winter so yeah

mwa-hahahahahahahaha now random stuff VwV lol hvjkhfjkhfbjkhfbkjfvdfhbvkjvjhvbfkhjgfvhjgfvfjghfvghvfhjgfvjhgfvjhgfvghhghjvfsheuendjekdhkjhrhkhhjghgeff

Created by: #batimforlife
  1. winter says boris probably wants soup for the lever
  2. you winter and boris go to alice, she asks you to do some tasks
  3. your forced to help even if you said no first you have to collect valve cores
  4. you encounter some member of the butcher gang
  5. its dead now you've got all the cores you head back now you need to collect ink
  6. now you need to get gears but bendy comes out
  7. now you can have fun! destroy the cut outs (alice be like VwV)
  8. alice: i forgot to mention he hates it when i do that i would hide if i were you
  9. alice tells you to kill the butcher gang
  10. now you need hearts but the projectionist keeps coming
  11. you come back Alice: its time to go home you go in the elevator (if you make a choice that doesn't correspond with the question choose no)
  12. you kicked out boris
  13. alice crashes the elevator cause boris is with you before it crashes you

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Quiz topic: Will I survive batim #3
