are you yin or yang ( not the ones you think) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz are you yin or yang ( not the ones you think).

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  • Your Result: Yang 81%

    You are most like my brother yang , this doesn't make you a boy please don't comment on it. You are smart, responsible, caring , and awesome your theme songs are I see fire , Boulevard of broken dreams and kryptonite

    9% Yin
    Paige we got almost the same thing!
    And it's a very accurate quiz.

  • Yang 80%

    You are most like my brother yang , this doesn't make you a boy please don't comment on it. You are smart, responsible, caring , and awesome your theme songs are I see fire , Boulevard of broken dreams and kryptonite

  • Yin. i am kinda like that.


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