Are you weird??

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Are you weird? A lot of people might think that they're weird, but they're really just normal. Ready to reveal how abnormal you are? Then, here we go!

Weird can be a subjective term, but all we know now is, that it's out of normality. You could be weird because you like pineapple on pizza, you could be weird because you shave your head, or you be weird because you hate cheese.

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. Do you talk to inanimate objects?
  2. Have any imaginary friends?
  3. Do you believe and/or did you believe that stuffed animals are real?
  4. Pick the sentence that describes you best.
  5. Pineapple on pizza?
  6. Do you like SpongeBob?
  7. Your friends describe you as..
  8. Do you like experimenting with food?
  9. Do you own a dog?
  10. Do you like mushrooms?
  11. Do you like McDonald's?
  12. What's your favorite color?
  13. How old are you?
  14. What do you do in your free time?
  15. What did you think of this quiz? (Doesn't affect your score.)
  16. Wait! We're not done yet!
  17. Have you watched The Lego Movie?
  18. Ok, now we're done.
  19. Just kidding.

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Quiz topic: Am I weird??
