Abnormal Psychology Study

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Hello this is a great quiz about abnormal psychology that will be used to test your knowledge and get you a passing mark hopefully. You never know if you don't try.

You'll be faced with numerous questions about the boring part of abnormal psychology, the beginning chapters that just rabbited on about stuff you don't care about.

Created by: Bdawg
  1. According to Ch1 which of the following is NOT an element of Abnormal Behaviour? (select one)
  2. Select the five factors relevant to biological theories of abnormal psychology:
  3. Select the four factors relevant to psychosocial theories of abnormal psychology:
  4. Select the four factors relevant to sociocultural theories of abnormal psychology:
  5. Which of these is NOT a goal of psychological assessment? (select two)
  6. What factors should one look for when critically evaluating a study? (select six)
  7. Point Prevalence is:
  8. 1-year prevalence is:
  9. What are the three main forms of explanation in abnormal psychology?
  10. Teleological explanations of abnormal psychology focuses on:
  11. Systemic explanations of abnormal psychology focus on:
  12. In what ways do the 3 explanations of psychology help patients? (select three)
  13. Stress refers to both the external demands placed on an organism and the organism's internal biological and psychological responses to such demands.
  14. Positive stress is called _______ and negative stress is called _______.
  15. Suppose that the presence of a particular gene is a necessary cause for the occurrence of schizophrenia. Which of the following statements would be true?
  16. Understanding the causes of mental disorders is important because ________.
  17. Dr. Simon, a psychiatrist, takes a biopsychosocial viewpoint of psychopathology. Which of the following treatments is he most likely to suggest for Julia’s current state of depression?
  18. The humanistic perspective focuses primarily upon the capacity of the individual to ________
  19. Which parental style is characterised by warmth, control, and communication?
  20. Studies on the cultural differences in parental tolerance of under- or over-controlled behaviour suggest that ________
  21. What are the three stages of General Adaptation Syndrome?
  22. Which of the following is NOT a stress disorder?
  23. An _______ disorder is a psychological response to a common stressor (e.g., divorce, death of a loved one, loss of a job) that results in clinically significant behavioral or emotional symptoms.
  24. Acute Stress Disorder is when PTSD symptoms occur within 6 months of a traumatic event occurring.
  25. PTSD symptoms must occur for a month before the patient qualifies for diagnosis
  26. Recurrent reexperiencing of the traumatic event through nightmares, intrusive images, and physiological reactivity to reminders of the trauma. Which group of PTSD symptoms does this describe?
  27. This includes such symptoms as feelings of detachment as well as negative emotional states such as shame or anger, or distorted blame of oneself or others. Which group of PTSD symptoms does this describe?
  28. Being a member of a minority group places you at higher risk for developing PTSD.
  29. ______ load is the biological cost of adapting to stress
  30. CRH stands for:
  31. What are the two types of white blood cells (leukocytes)?
  32. Which of these is NOT a treatment for stress disorders? (select two)
  33. Fear and Anxiety are the same thing.
  34. Fear is an automatic activation of the ANS in response to an Immediate threat whereas anxiety is a complex response of emotions and cognitions to perceived possible or imagined threat based in the future.
  35. Panic disorder involves recurrent and unexpected panic attacks wherein the individual worries about having more attacks. The average panic attack lasts around 10 minutes. A panic attack usually includes feelings of heart racing, sweating, shaking and shortness of breath.
  36. How long does one have to experience symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder before they qualify for the diagnosis?
  37. The term 'crisis' refers to:
  38. A main symptom of PTSD in DSM-5 is:
  39. For an adjustment disorder, the symptoms must appear within __________ months of the stressor.
  40. According to DSM-5, acute stress disorder becomes PTSD when:
  41. Estimates of the prevalence of PTSD:
  42. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of stress:
  43. According to the DSM, an adjustment disorder does NOT involve:
  44. The incident with the highest lifetime prevalence for PTSD is:
  45. According to the DSM, an essential feature of acute stress disorder involves:
  46. Fear is a basic emotion that involves:
  47. Which of the following would be an example of anxiety?
  48. Martin is afraid to fly. He knows his boss wants him to take a trip for the business. Martin feels miserable, because he wants to keep his job but cannot even imagine getting on a plane. The most likely diagnosis for Martin is
  49. Which of the following is associated with a unique physiological response pattern?
  50. Nicole's mother is terribly afraid of snakes. Although Nicole has never actually seen a snake, her mother has told her time and again to be careful to look for them when she is walking. Now Nicole has an intense fear of snakes and refuses to walk in the grass. This is an example of:
  51. Evolutionary preparedness explains:
  52. Virtual reality environments:
  53. Limited symptom attacks are:
  54. Research using panic provocation agents has revealed:
  55. According to the psychoanalytic view, what makes generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) different from specific phobias?
  56. In order to meet the criteria for a major depressive episode, a person MUST have:

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