Are you too cool 4 school?

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There are many too cool for school people, but few true coolness is in there naturally being. Coolness is, after all, quite the thing everyone wants to be. What is a to cool for person?Someone who is has extraordinary coolness ,and is able to get through school the cool way.

Are YOU a too cool for school person? Do you have the coolness to qualify for that prestigious and cool title? Until now you could only imagine how it would feel like. But thanks to this coolness quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Deborah

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often do you do your homework?
  2. Are you rude to your teachers?
  3. Do you get reasonable grades?
  4. Do you like the school you attend?
  5. What is your social status?
  6. Would you rather go to a private or public school
  7. Would you be home schooled or go to an actual school?
  8. Do like a specific school?
  9. What grade group are you in?
  10. What's your favorite subject?
  11. What is your favorite related arts?
  12. How many friends do you have?

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Quiz topic: Am I too cool 4 school?