Are you really cool?

How cool are you?Let's find out,shall we? Some are only 10% percent and some are 100% percent!Let's see how popular you are!Take this popularity quiz!Thanks!

Are you cool enough to join the REALLY hot people who makes us drool?Or are you a geeky nerd who only cares about good grades,school and homework?Take this quiz and see it!

Created by: Hazel Lee

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you girly,tomboyish or preppy?
  2. Which color do you like?
  3. What food do you like to eat?
  4. What will you wear?
  5. Which My Little Pony character do you like?
  6. Which clothes do you like to wear?
  7. Hot,cute or nice?
  8. Diamond,ruby or topaz?
  9. Love,money or kindness?
  10. Love,money or kindness?
  11. I made a mistake......... Question 9 & 10.

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Quiz topic: Am I really cool?