What high school stereotype are you...

Occasionally the conversation of who's who (stereotype wise) will bring it self up in your conversations with friends or family. There can be the people that accept their place and those that don't. Here's a quiz to find out once and for all what high school themed stereotype you really are.

Are you really what you think you are? or are you under a false sense of what stereotype you really are. High school is really cool, especially when you know what you are/were!

Created by: 123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you sit next to a stranger on the bus, you....
  2. before a party, you.....
  3. in primary school you always played the...
  4. i choose friends based on..
  5. if i had to rate myself i would rate me...
  6. On a test it asks you to write your name, you....
  7. your life motto goes something like....
  8. i think im...
  9. i cant live without my...
  10. dream holiday is...
  11. ideal date...
  12. my bedroom is....
  13. i hate..
  14. my best friend can be described as being
  15. type of dog i like would be...
  16. food is too...
  17. my views on money......
  18. This quiz was...

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