Are You Supposed to Be Treated Like a Baby?

This quiz will tell you what age you should be treated like should you be treated like a teenager a adult your age a child a toddler or a baby this quiz will tell you.

Do you need baby treatment or toddler treatment or should you be treated like your own age take this quiz and find out random thing to people who are actually reading this my favorite color is all of them.

Created by: Emma
  1. What age are you?
  2. What age are you most comfortable with being?
  3. When was the last time you wet the bed?
  4. When was the last time you wet yourself in the day?
  5. Be honest what do you sleep in (beds)
  6. Be honest what do you sleep in (underwear etc)
  7. How many people know you like baby stuff?
  8. If you don't like baby stuff why are you taking this quiz.
  9. If you have baby stuff laying around do you/would you take it.
  10. What show would you watch right now?
  11. Which would you rather?
  12. Do you think I am a child baby(cause I'm 10)
  13. I am
  14. Last question What are you wearing right now.
  15. Sorry but I PROMISE the next one is the last on anyway what do you think I'm wearing.
  16. I'm wearing normal clothes a paci and a diaper what do you rate this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Am I Supposed to Be Treated Like a Baby?

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