Are you treated like a middle child?

Do you feel like you the least neglected? Or are you the middle child? Wouldn't you like to know what makes you so different? Or are you just board looking for something to pass the time

Well this is the quiz for you. You can find out if your really treated like a middle and if so what for. Honestly this could be your trappy flinging out the truth

Created by: Your mom
  1. How many siblings do you have?
  2. do you have chores?
  3. How many chores do you have
  4. Do you sibling have more chores than you?
  5. Are your parents strict?
  6. How many time have you had your phone taken away?
  7. Do you feel neglected
  8. Do you feel comfortable talking to your parents
  9. do you share a room with a sibling
  10. Do your parents get you what you ask for

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Quiz topic: Am I treated like a middle child?

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