Are you on the Nice or Naughty list?

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Have you ever taken my other Christmas quizzes? Such as What Christmas Form Do You Take, and Do You Have The Christmas Spirit, well this is a new one that I think you'll enjoy!

On Christmas day there's no way someone can be mellow, I mean your literally opening presents! Well I thought it might be even better if that's possible to take a fun Christmas quiz! I'll see you at the end!

Created by: Lilah
  1. Have you ever touched an elf?
  2. Do you think the Grinch deserves to be brought into the open arms of the Who's?
  3. What do you think the lesson of Frosty is?
  4. Which Christmas character do you think you are most likely?
  5. What do you think Christmas is all about?
  6. What do you value most?
  7. What's your worst fear?
  8. How do you treat siblings (A.K.A your brother/sister)?
  9. What's your favorite thing to see on Christmas?
  10. Do you think you've been nice or naughty?

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Quiz topic: Am I on the Nice or Naughty list?
