How much do you know about Christmas?

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Hello! This is a quiz about all things Christmas! How much do you know about Christmas is something you'll find out if you take this quiz! It's a rather short quiz, only 11 questions, so it won't take long at all!

The questions always have a right or wrong answer, and if you ever can't choose just pick "I don't know" and it won't affect your score at all. See you on the other side!

Created by: Lilah
  1. Let's start off easy, who puts the presents under the tree?
  2. Who's the fabled Christmas snowman?
  3. What do you leave out for Santa?
  4. Who's Santa's wife?
  5. How does Santa get in your house?
  6. Who makes the toys?
  7. What religion started Christmas?
  8. Who leads Santa's sleigh? (If you think it's not any of these click "Next question" and answer on the next question)
  9. Who leads Santa's sleigh? (If you answered on the last question click "Last question)
  10. Finish the sentence, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, ____ in every ______.
  11. This ones tricky, when's Santa's birthday?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Christmas?
