Are you like my pookie (bestie)?

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Take this quiz to find out if you're like my pookie! Also, sorry I haven't been on for like, what? 2 days? I've been using this app called scratch and made an account on there called Scratchuser_Ghost. Please check out the memes I've made on there.

And without further adoo (or however you speel it), let this quiz. . . begin!! Bj1f3v1ehkqvehwcv1khecqbkjcqejlqebljeqbjlecble jj qlneqhbv3qhl3cbljbeljw hos wbjlec oeh

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Are you dirty-minded?
  2. Is your favorite colour purple?
  3. Is you straight?
  4. Is you baka?
  5. Do you support me for being bi?
  6. Do you get bullied?
  7. Is you bad at math?
  8. Do you no like school?
  9. Do you use gen alpha slang even though you're not gen alpha?
  10. Do you hate idiots?

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Quiz topic: Am I like my pookie (bestie)?
