Are You Jimmy S?

There are many nonces. Are you a Gary or Jimmy? Take this quiz to prove whether you are going to hell today or later. Copies will go to your neighbours to burn down your house.

Do you have the perversion to prove you are JS? Answers will be passed onto the local nonce unit. Have fun when the doorbell rings! Is it the postman with latest cock pump or??

Created by: JFK
  1. What is you best know phrase?
  2. What is your idea look?
  3. JS worked on his show JWFI where amongst other stunts he fixed it for a blind boy to milk a cow? How does it make you feel?
  4. You've just had a child. Who is your idea godparents?
  5. You've bought out an advent calendar. Which is yours?
  6. Now then. Now then. Now then. Guys and gals. Welcome to Top of the Pops. Straight in at thirteen ....
  7. What did Gary Glitter ask JS to fix?
  8. Was didn't JS confess at church?
  9. Why are Man City fans like JS's victims?
  10. Eric Clapton was on 6 Music earlier saying how Savile's career really took off in 1967 when backstage at Top of the Pops, he introduced Cream to the Small Faces. Is that funny?

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Quiz topic: Am I Jimmy S?