Are You Greek Or Roman!?!

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Hi there! This quiz I made will show if you are Greek or roman. But be sure to answer honestly. Greek or roman, no matter what you get, you are still you!

The questions are really quick and easy but they will also test your thoughts and make you think deeply. I hope you have fun! Hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Olivia
  1. Coke or Pepsi?
  2. Are you a stabber or a striker?
  3. Fight your friends, or fight your enemies?
  4. Favorite treat?
  5. Okay, sorry about this.Favorite color?
  6. okay, which camp do you like?
  7. Are you...
  8. What's your fatal flaw?
  9. Which one?
  10. Last one,Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Greek Or Roman!?!
