Are You Greek or Roman?

This quiz will tell you if you are Greek or Roman. One side is better but you will discover which one when you get your result. If you are on the wrong side, it will tell you.

I am a unicorn and I eat children for breakfast. I use my magical abilities to control the children's minds. I am probably the most random person you will ever "meet".

Created by: Vylenas
  1. Which side do you prefer?
  2. Which side is the better one?
  3. Which Mythology?
  4. Greeks are better, right?
  5. Are Romans better?
  6. Do you like fighting for fun?
  7. Greece or Rome?
  8. Which language?
  9. Are you bloodthirsty(not in a vampiric way)?
  10. What is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Am I Greek or Roman?
