How well do you know Greek/Roman Mythology?

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Ever wonder how much you know about Greek/Roman mythology? Take this quiz and find out how much you actually know! P.S. They are pretty easy questions.

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Created by: Hannah
  1. Who is the king of gods and what is his Roman name?
  2. What is Hera the goddess of (it doesn't have to be everything)?
  3. What is the goddess of rainbows called?
  4. What is the hunter's name who got killed by his own hunting dogs?
  5. How was Athena born?
  6. Which three gods or goddesses are siblings?
  7. How did Hercules kill the Hydra?
  8. Which of the following was one of Hercules' twelve labors?
  9. Who stole fire for man (and woman)?
  10. Who killed Gaea?
  11. Did a god or goddess give up their throne for a different god/goddess?
  12. Who was the person that the god or goddess gave their throne up for?
  13. Who was the god/goddess who gave their throne up for a different god/goddess?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Greek/Roman Mythology?
