are you going to hell or heven

now I know what your thinking, why would I want to know where I going when I die before I die well I'll tell you why, because with this amazing and super quiz you can learn where your going and maybe even change your outcome, if you want to.

now just remember this is just something that can tell you the path your headed down so it will NOT show you how to change your fate that's your thing to figure out.

Created by: oogabooga15

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you volunteer or are you lazy
  2. do you like pulling pranks, like putting a banana peel on the floor and watching someone slip?
  3. do you say that life is long or short?
  4. do you have pets?
  5. are you rich
  6. are you a geek
  7. do you have friends
  8. do you like computers
  9. just select an ansor one will change where you go
  10. do you want to kill someone

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Quiz topic: Am I going to hell or heven