What will you be in the future?

This quiz is to see what you will be when you get older. Criminal, rich, or another result, taking this quiz will be fun. It's short with 11 questions, and easy to take.

This quiz is so accurate it's scary. Of course, throughout the years your path may change. What your path for now is, that's what we precict. My first quiz!

Created by: Agentj
  1. You got $200 for your birthday. What do you do with it?
  2. What is 2+2?
  3. You have a crush. What do you do?
  4. Your friends would describe you as...
  5. Your worst trait is..
  6. Now about those looks???
  7. Pick a hobby
  8. You would want to be famous for...
  9. Pick a movie.
  10. Non-Fiction or Fiction
  11. Lastly, read a book or watch a movie?

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Quiz topic: What will I be in the future?
