Are you going to Heaven or Hell?

Hello, everyone. Have you ever considered if you are going to heaven or hell? If you are good, then good luck in heaven. If not so good, too bad for you!

Very serious quiz. Please don't lie! It will determine which place you are going after your death. If you want an accurate result, be honest. Good luck.

Created by: I Wish You The Best
  1. Do you believe in God?
  2. Do you go to church every Sunday?
  3. Do you read the Bible?
  4. Who do you worship?
  5. What is your favorite Biblical creature out of these?
  6. Have you ever lied?
  7. Have you ever stolen?
  8. Have you ever masturbated?
  9. Do you pray?
  10. Do you have good thoughts more, or evil thoughts more?
  11. If you see a kid is lost in the forest, would you help him?
  12. If someone slapped you in the face, what would you do?
  13. If your annoying brother/sister keeps bugging you to play with him/her while you are busy, what would you do?
  14. If you see a beggar on the street, what would you do?
  15. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
  16. If someone disagreed with your opinion, what would you do?
  17. How often do you get angry?
  18. What is the evilest thing you have ever done?
  19. Which is more important to you, your family or your friends?
  20. Okay last question. Do you think you will go to heaven or hell? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Am I going to Heaven or Hell?