Are You Ghetto?

There are a lot of ghetto people around the world.

Are you Ghetto? You can find out in this quiz.

Created by: Nini
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get into a lot of fights?
  2. How do you usually dress?
  3. What are some words you use alot?
  4. Are you Facebook Famous(honestly)
  5. Are you mean to other people
  6. Do you behave badly at school?
  7. What kind of music do you listen to?
  8. Do you live in.....
  9. If your a Boy:Do you wear saggy pants? If your a Girl:Are you usually dressed half naked?
  10. How much people have you dated?

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Quiz topic: Am I Ghetto?