How ghetto are you?

Since the 5th grade,I have been hearing new words I don't understand.Words such as "fresh" and "beast","mad G","cuff",etc.These words listed meant differently to hem.I call it the "Ghetto Disease".

Some symptoms are:cursing uncontrollably,having behavior issues,skipping classes,being more interpersonal,and aggressiveness.It has affected almost 50% of the U.S.

Created by: cat2999
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Do you use slangs like the N-word and "Cuff" in your daily vocabulary?
  3. How often do you listen to Rap,Hip-Hop and R&B
  4. How many fights have you been in?
  5. Do you bully?
  6. Do you say "for real" often?
  7. What's your average grade?
  8. Do you think you have good grammar?
  9. Do you think your'e cool?
  10. FINAL QUESTION!Do you skip classes alot?

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Quiz topic: How ghetto am I?