You think you know?

I'm as transparent as a piece of glass. Yet as transparent as mirror tint on some ghetto sled's ride. See if you really know me or not. Come on.. the questions are rather simple.

Are you the one person who knows me better than I know myself? I dare you to take the challenge. Don't let me down now kids.... it's not that hard. I promise.

Created by: Casey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What instruments can I play?
  2. Who or what has made the biggest impact in my life.
  3. How many piercings do I currently have?
  4. What job have/did I work at the longest
  5. Who is my favorite writer?
  6. Who is my favorite band?
  7. If I could change one thing about myself, which would it be?
  8. If I could have one super power for a day what would it be?
  9. What annoys me the most
  10. What am I majoring in college in?
  11. What is my favorite movie of all time?

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