Are you fat or skinny? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Are you fat or skinny?
I don't wanna be healthy tho lol. Reply to this if you stuff yourself until you r so bloated you belly is visible under you shirt and you have to undo your short button
i got very underweight and they told me to do a diet which im not cause ive got anorexia and anxitey and autisim and mental health issues cause shut it down
rfv1 -
Yess! I’m kinda slim rn but I have some chubbiness and I want more! I wanna pop buttons and I want my belly it sit on my lap.
Swws1 -
Sws20251 -
i was told i was skinny lol im actually average but with a chubby build and i like eating
Blue loves that blue
BlueiceG1 -
I'm 18 and I'm 500 pounds but I like getting fat
It said that I’m skinny but I’m about average with a rounder belly I think
no one:
ppl with an ed reading that skinny is healthy: AAAAAHHH LETS GO
its depends mostly its not cause people might people eat to much or little ive got anorexia
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